Michelle Obama was born on January 17th, 1964, in Chicago. As First Lady she was considered the most popular and respected in the United States and many other countries around the world. This recognition is due in part to her being the first African/American woman to have held that position in the history of the United States of America.

By the time she married Barak Obama, prior to him running for office, she had already achieved a great measure of success in her personal life.

The common thread that runs through stories such as hers stands as a testament that achieving success from whichever means it comes, presents with trials, challenges, and tests in determination. These are relative terms, however, because our First Lady was actually brought up in a middle-class setting. Nonetheless, these are some of the qualities that she brought, in anticipation… to her station as First Lady and her commitment to change through public service.

As she blossomed and bloomed, she was challenged to face and overcome the stereotypical dogma in America, which suggests that 70% of people have suffered from a sense of inadequacy or imposter syndrome at some point in life.

Michelle Obama was well aware of systemic racism with its seemingly cemented barriers. As a powerful advocate for education, health, and equality, she sought to change this.


Michelle’s parents instilled great qualities in her. These qualities consisted of principled work ethics and a solid education for a strong foundation in life. As a result, she excelled academically. She attended Princeton University in 1981 where she majored in sociology and African American studies. This sharpened her awareness of racial and social issues.

After graduating from Princeton she opted to further her studies and enrolled in Harvard Law School in 1988 where she earned her Juris Doctor (JD) degree.

Following law school, Michelle Obama landed a job at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley and Austin. This is also where she met her husband Barack, who was a summer associate at the time. This marked the beginning of Obama’s road to marriage and a lifetime commitment. It was a personal and professional relationship that would change the course of both their lives and the lives of those who came into their orbit. Kotch Magazine.


Michelle’s career path took a turn from law to public service, which she was very passionate about. She worked in various departments including, as an assistant to the Mayor of Chicago and as the assistant commissioner of planning and development. Her commitment to social justice and community engagement was evident and it laid the foundation for her future advocacy.

As Barack pursued politics, Michelle Obama played a pivotal part in his campaigns. Her relatability and her authenticity resonated with voters. Recognizably she had become a powerful asset in Barack’s campaign. Her speeches showcased her ability to connect and inspire. One that stands out is her memorable quote “When They Go Low We Go High” from the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Michelle Obama used her platform to address critical issues after becoming the First Lady in 2009. She launched initiatives like “Let’s Move” which was designed to combat childhood obesity and “Reach Higher” to encourage a tertiary education for young adults. Her advocacy for military families through the “Joining Forces” program further highlighted her commitment to diverse causes.


First Lady Michelle Obama’s influence on society grew far and wide. She became a popular role model, particularly for young women and people of color. She implored the importance of knowing self-worth, creating resilience, and a solid education.

Her book “Becoming” published in 2018 provided further insight into her life, struggles, and triumphs which invigorated and inspired readers across the globe. Michelle Obama is known for demonstrating grace and emotional intelligence even in the most challenging moments.

Her ability to comb through the intricacies of public life with dignity and purpose earned her worldwide admiration. With a calm head, she was able to speak on issues of social injustice. She approached racial discrimination with a determination to cast a light of understanding on society.



Beyond First Lady status and no doubt being an exemplary parent to two beautiful daughters, Malia and Sasha, she continues to be a stalwart for change. The Obama Foundation which was founded by her and President Obama, focuses on leadership and community engagement.

Michelle Obama continues to inspire and educate girls and young women on the importance of empowerment and this remains her focus and initiative.
She is the epitome of dedication, resilience, and intellect and has an unceasing determination to make a difference in society.

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Contributed by Ayun Daley

Marlene Daley
Marlene Daleyhttps://kotchmagazine.com
Founder & Producer of KotchMagazine,com, Belovedones.Love and Kotch.Media


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