Who We Are
Marlene’s writing skills and excellence in communication evolved from avid reading through which her experiences were underscored by writers whose work resonated with the reality of her spiritual journey, The year 2003 was the most focused as she sought distraction from an otherwise stagnant period of existence while awaiting permanent status in America.
Neale Donald Walsh’s literary volumes in ‘Conversations with God’ and ‘Friendship With God’ James Redfield’s – ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ – Paramahansa – ‘Autobiography Of A Yogi’ – Hermann Hesse — ‘Siddhartha,’ and his amazing poem ‘Trees’. stood out in the over 100 volumes that anchored the connection with her recognition of the spiritual self. the existential spiritual realm or the seat of all existence and triggered a deeper understanding of living experiences that were prior to then. seemingly outside of her comprehension.
Marlene Daley describes her most exciting worldly undertakings as travelling throughout the United States to find antique collectibles and vintage clothes for a boutique she owned in Jamaica back in the day, carving out a respectable career in real estate sales and dabbling in more challenging jobs such as pharmaceutical sales. As the the founder and publisher of the online publication Kotch Magazine (www.kotchmagazine.com) back in 2012. a published author Of the pocket book ‘Spiritual Prose. Quotes & Notes’ (available only on Kindle). and her autobiography A 3rd World Awakening: she relies heavily on her deeper inner awareness to guide her literary work,

Now being hailed as a Cultural Change Agent, Marlene sees her humble beginnings in Jamaica along with her difficult flailing attempts to forge a life for herself and her fractured family after a difficult divorce, as preparation for coming into her life’s contract It has been a hard earned beautiful life sustained on a road fraught with “potholes,” inspired by the chirping of birds and the natural production of bees. As the founder of Kotch Magazine (www.kotchmagazine.com), she is passionate about bringing editorials that will cushion the stark reality of the dawning of a new day in the life of others. But most importantly, she embraces the truth in the adage, “there is no birth without death,” a belief that leads her to think that more often than not, our pains are signals of the birthing of greater things. Kotch Magazine is a growing online publication that celebrates the highest achievements of Caribbean people around the world. In addition, it provides a panoramic view of other cultures, each with its offering of an indigenous or unique value to the common good.
Marlene’s autobiography “A 3rd World Awakening,” is a culmination of all that she stands for and more. In it, she places great emphasis on the awareness of her spirituality from a very young age, eventually realizing the essence of who or what she is, and she hopes that her life experiences will move her readers beyond inspiration, to the jolting of a deeper awareness of self and heightened purpose. Kotch Magazine’s website will allow its members pause to become more attuned to their essence and to privately journal their awareness of occurring miracles that everyone experience from time to time but are often too busy to acknowledge.
Encountering and overcoming challenges are integral parts of the human experience which are made more tenable with spiritual awareness, she expressed. In recognition of the fact that we sometimes desperately need a word of encouragement or some form of inspiration that can help us to remain centered as we continue on our course without broken faith, Marlene offers Kotch as your go to site to rekindle spiritual fortitude
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Www.Kotch.Media was the inevitable next step for a magazine bent on remaining on the cutting edge, It is a given that the mind provoking topics will be riveting to visitors, some of whom may be at a loss on the erosion of values, attitudes, interpretation of love, the influence of media, diminishing belief in the Bible and religion, and the spectrum of life and relationships as it presents itself today.
KOTCH is an on-line magazine dedicated to highlighting culture, arts, fashion, environment, non-partisan politics and the high accomplishments of people of the Caribbean at home and abroad.
The objective of the magazine is to celebrate transformation, progress and achievements that are authored by our Caribbean neighbors. The magazine aims to inspire Caribbean nationals, particularly young readers, by architecting iconographic portraits of nationals both historical and contemporary, and incorporate these portraits as part of popular culture. This will be a core theme of the magazine but we will also have a cultural exchange segment that allows for our exposure to the most exotic places on earth.