I keep checking Yahoo morning, noon and night, to see an announcement of Donald Trump conceding to Joe Biden because the result of the election is not just a confirmation of his foolish narcissism but an open display of downright disregard for law and order, a stated disregard for the American system and a lack of caring for the populace in this country.

It now adds to his misogyny, ineptitude, discrimination and all the other colored discriptives attributed to him. His palpable distrust of the systems in this country, which his unthinking, gullible base consumes with delight, blindsided by the fear of his propagated lies about a threat of communism or pandering to minorities or leaders who would dare to be sensitive enough to create policies that are inclusive for all Americans, is distasteful.

But whether the would be tyrant Trump likes it or not, he has lost and he has lost in the eyes of the whole world, awaiting with bated breath for his removal from the White House and Biden to be sworn in for the ensuing celebration. Whether Trump likes it or not, at high noon on January 20, 2021 he will lose his glass slippers, coach and gown and will be automatically reduced to a regular citizen of this country. Notwithstanding that, it will be a done deal by mid December when the Electoral College votes on the election.

Donald Trump’s ascention to President sent ripples of shockwaves across the antennaes of those who know him. Town & Country has written in greater detail, the notoriety for which The Plaza Hotel had become known preceding Trump’s purchase and it stands to reason that it could not have fallen in the hands of a more notorious owner. Stated among them are that: The Beatles were denied a reservation there, $10M was stolen from the suite of a Woolworth Heiress, the hotel was built on top of a murder scene, and when New York City almost went bankrupt in 1975, in the midst of terrorism, financial crisis, corruption and crime, the hotel was robbed by armed men who took over $200K worth of “treasures” from guests. But it was the mugging of a politician by two prostitutes in Central Park that created a stigma for the area which was nicknamed Prostitutes’ Promenade.

But after all is said and done, it took Donald Trump to bring the hotel to bankruptcy. Donald Trump bought the hotel in 1988 for $400M of which, not a dime was his money. It was all borrowered. Trump consequently filed bankruptcy in the 90s and lost the hotel despite allegedly planting one of his employees in a secret compartment to eavesdrop on the meetings of the prospective owners.

That loss along with an innate, insatiable appetite for women, money and power is what drives the man today to a point of questionable insanity in accepting loss. He would rather lie, create disrepute of the nation in the eyes of a global audience, promote separatism among his devoted base and others living in this country as well as promote depravity in morals, ethics and standards.

That was only one bankruptcy among at least four others that Mr. Trump filed. The internet is rife with articles of him stiffing his workers, allegations surrounding his relationship with the alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and allegations of rape and mimicking the handicapped.

Fromm is quoted as saying that: malignant narcissism represented the severest of pathologies – the cause of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity.

Back in 2017 ‘Citizen Therapists Against Trumpism’ published a manifesto to bring Trump’s apparent psychosis to the attention of the American people. The warning signs they say were, “Scapegoating, degrading, ridiculing, and demeaning rivals and critics, fostering a cult of the Strong Man who appeals to fear and anger, promises to solve our problems if we just trust in him, reinvents history and has little concern for truth (and) sees no need for rational persuasion.” That report was met with scant regard because the American Constitution does not give credence to remote diagnosis in behaviour patterns.

Then back in 2005, Trump opened Trump University, by 2016 the university was being sued by New York state plus two class action lawsuits in California for promoting to reveal Trump’s real estate investing “secrets” to people who enrolled in the courses. He had violated the state education laws in establishing what was called a “phoney university.” His settlement of $25M to the 6,000 victims was met with tumultuos joy.

All informed people of fair and sound mind knew the man behind the image that stood on the world stage as the esteemed representative of who we are as a nation. His former organization executive Barbara Res, who knows him well, stated that: “The notion of being a loser is something that he couldn’t possibly conceive, and if all else fails, he would burn down the house.”

The historic number of people who polled their vote to get him out of office can only be surpassed by a deep and fervent reversal of his chant for Hillary Clinton: LOCK HIM UP!

That’s why old time Jamaicans seh, “when yuh digging grave fih smaddy, mek sure fih dig two.” The universe hears the cry first from you.

Marlene Daley

Marlene Daley
Marlene Daley
Founder & Producer of KotchMagazine,com, Belovedones.Love and Kotch.Media


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