The savage, brutal killing of George Floyd in broad daylight, carried out by sub-humans masked in the uniform of officers who are paid from the hard-earned income of the very people they target and kill by heinous means, has not only brought this front-and-center to the world stage but has given Black Lives Matter impetus, wings and reason to delve deeper in their reservoir of advocacy and to fight valiantly for a just cause. It brings back forcefully, the words of Sam Cook, “It’s been a long, long time coming but I know, a change is gonna come, oh yes it will.”

But this blog is not primarily about the murder of George Floyd (since that was addressed before), or in furtherance of the work being carried out by BLM, but rather, the intrinsic shift that must take place in recollection of history in order to correct the great untruths that have been taught to Black people about themselves and his relevance in time.

The whole story of Christopher Columbus for example just never sat right with many. How on earth does someone discover an island that was already inhabited by Indians? It is so true that the biggest lies are glaring, for what does that lead one to think except that these people evolved from lizards, quite laughable, but since the relegation of Blacks being half human was already reserved?

History books carry that Christopher Columbus discovered Jamaica in 1494, but it got worse since he actually landed there. We were led to believe that he discovered North America in 1492 as well even though he never touched land there and there were millions of people living in America by then. In fact, it is believed that Leif Eriksson of European origin had preceded Columbus arriving in the West by some 500 years prior to his so-called discovery. Kotch Magazine.

But since Christopher Columbus was allegedly about pillage, plunder, and murder and was quite successful in the raping of nations, his lies could have been easily overlooked by those who benefited from the plight of his subjects, in order for him to be awarded his accolades of recognition and have his statue erected on captured land.

This formed part of his notes about the people of Hispanola: “They do not carry arms or know them…They should be good servants.” The natives were soon forced into slavery, and punished with the loss of a limb or death if they did not collect enough gold (a portion of which Christopher Columbus was allowed to keep for himself). Between the European’s brutal treatment and the infectious diseases they carried, within decades, the Taino population was decimated.

Christopher Columbus saw docile indigenous inhabitants of countries he claimed to have discovered as savages, and was responsible for the genocide in Hispanola, among many other nations.

Awakened societies should cease and desist teaching the current false narrative until such time that that part of history is rewritten.

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Marlene Daley
Marlene Daley
Founder & Producer of KotchMagazine,com, Belovedones.Love and Kotch.Media


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