Into your hands I commit my spirit to love – Henri Almanza

We live in a senseless world and we must learn not to try to make sense of it.

All sense of understanding is wasted in emotions that distort and confuse what the very meaning of it is.
What could be grasped within its complicated nature other than the knowledge that chaos and order are simultaneously in the sink and that for every action there is a reaction, which can or cannot be predicted in the visible and the unseen.

We must learn how to accept our existence no matter its status and try to elevate ourselves within its frame, to something higher and greater, while never giving up on the very existence that we live and share with each other and the vast universe from which we come. When and wherever we can, we must witness our impossibilities by being the very hope of love and understanding that is required in everything that makes no sense, for it is in the very giving and receiving of Love that is intrinsic in our DNA that allows us to survive and thrive, as if we are born of it!

Even in the face of the greatest evil that exist, we must see that senseless acts devoid of love are not of the love that created us, but of the hope that binds us to be the love that created us. We must learn to see love even in the senseless illusions of evil, as that which was created for the sake of our own purification, so that we may discover whom and what we really are and evolve into a greater sense of self, in love.

None of this makes sense of sense and yet listen to the words given to me …

“As you walk this earth, wrought with the appearance of inconsistencies of a senseless life, full of the chaos and the evil of man’s untethered free will, you must also hold to a truth born from your DNA.”
A truth that gives us all, all the more reason to believe in and to hold on to the knowledge, which is simplest for man to make sense of…

“Love is all you need, to reflect the highest state of consciousness that created us. Love is the creator of all that exists. Love is the breath, breathed into you”.

The origin of creation was born of a depth of love we cannot fully understand, though its physical origins have sustained us far beyond any belief we can contribute too or subtract from.

This Love born from within us, within a sense of senselessness, that we know on a level and dimension so innately, that we grasp its power and affirm its value, knowing that no greater existence can take its place, while never fully comprehending it state of consciousness, that encompasses everything we can define from our first instinct to our last breath, and emphatically rules our lives, is the greatest mystery we will ever seek to unfold. Kotch Magazine.
Love is A greatness so great, that it cannot contain itself.

We are born to strive for it, born to hope for it, to lavish it and to mourn for it.

We are born to try to make sense of it, and yet none of us know tangibly whence it comes from? Where or when did the instinct to love arise? Was it NOT born from survival, nor any other primal instinct that could be attributed to life and its evolution? Perhaps that can be argued, but the idea that emotions emanated from evolution for its usefulness in survival, is just not a scientific or plausible explanation. It gives no account of how feelings are possible as properties that emerge in the complex systems we call organisms. It can only be categorized in terms of intellect and consciousness, not a necessary state of evolution as physical
Love seams to have been conjured up from thin air. It leaves it seekers dumb founded with their own thoughts about its emanation … And yet?…. hear me out …. If we venture back to the origin of time and creation, Love was born from an explosion, that created a havoc of dust turned into particles of fragments conjoined to scatter far and wide, turning into whirling clouds traveling through darkness, into bright and fiery illuminations that incomprehensibly lite the darkness, which made it visible to it’s self, attracting itself to itself, so as to form a union, a bond, a way to go forward, never alone and never unloved.

This act we call love … birthed all there is. It is the act of creation known through out science, which remains nameless. An act that within itself holds no proof of its genesis or existence, but undeniable has the power of a singular intent that makes evolution possible as a whole. It has no chemical makeup that can be defined, no component that can be classed as a building product of our DNA, and yet there it is.

Yes we can describe the origin of Love, as seemingly senseless and chaotic eruption which created dust, which gave birth to stars, and then “loved” itself into a greater creation of its self and everything else. It bound one particle to another and then to another and on and on, till it gave birth to man as a reflection of itself for itself. LOVE born from one spark, ignited by a “Love” that could not be contained, brought itself into existence and bond itself to itself so it could make sense of its very own creation.

The clarity for this senseless truth is not to make sense of what is coded into its very DNA. It is to except everything we have and are, by turn it back in and onto to itself, so that it reveals the only one inescapable sense of our reality, which is to admit that we were created from love, for love, to be Love.
Dust from which we are born and destined to return to, for the sake of it all to exist in love as all we are and all we will ever be.

No, we cannot fully understand and YES, it is the absolute truth!

Love is the only nameless consistency that exists in the order and chaos of the science of evolution. Without an explanation of its birth, It creates to create within itself, so it can be born again and again with the certainty that it is loved by its creation, even when being challenged by the senselessness that accompanies it by those that see it as meaningless. Love has the power to evolve greater love for itself and everything it has created, It has no death as much as it never had a physical birth, it simply exists. Love is the only thing that we are able within our limited and senseless understanding, to replicate, to duplicate, and give birth within us, without physical experience manifesting into existence while being of It is our own freewill.
Death and Destruction cannot have a future, not even in a cosmic sense.
But Love …. Love can create from its own dust, from its own evolution, to become it’s own natural source, because it chooses too. Born of, one spontaneous combustion manifesting as a fragment of complex equations and propelled into a constant motion of bonding, Love creates Love for itself as it spreads through everything that persists within evolution, to be, the greatness from which it is born.
…. I know that this may all sound very senseless, coming from unscientific facts, from a voice that can’t be identified, other than by a faith that requires Love itself ….. but it is THE Truth, the Undeniable Truth of it’s remarkably uncomplicated formulation in which we witness its birth make sense of its explanation to make any sense at all.

WE must remind ourselves again and again, to try not to make sense of love for it is futile. It is an emotion, made into action of what is senselessly, sense-filled in ways that course through us without knowing the fullness of its existence.
It is in its acceptance that its very reason unfolds. Create it in its purest form, Love with everything in our power to LOVE blindly, faithfully and eternally and without questions as to its origin, determination, or destination, but for the trust in that which we cannot define, but cannot deny.
In this senseless existence, where the senseless can appear as fear and as evil, LOVE sheds light on all our senselessness, too manifest its self in world made of havoc, to keep us safe from all that can harm us, by loving us and giving us what we need, in-order to prosper in the love we can create within ourselves and in the love created for and by others, that binds us in our sharing of it.
There is no greater sense that comes alive in us than Love, Love is the very existence of all that is senseless made sense. Visit us at.

Love Senselessly, Love because it is the breath, breathed into you. Breath it into everything you do with the faith, that you are giving it all from your past to your future!
Henri Almanzar
I have met evil, I have seen it, lived it, I have whispered its name, I have even incarnated it …… and yet…. I know “The PROMISE” I know the eternal … the DNA of what made me ……FOR I AM …. LOVE.

Rumi says “Love rests on no foundation.
It is an endless ocean,
with no beginning or end.
Imagine, a suspended ocean,
riding on a cushion of ancient secrets.
All souls have drowned in it
and now dwell there.
One drop of that ocean is hope,
and the rest is fear.”

Marlene Daley
Marlene Daley
Founder & Producer of KotchMagazine,com, Belovedones.Love and Kotch.Media


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