Though it is crucial to emphasize that population trends should not be viewed through lens of retaliation or fear, and even as we carry on our daily lives with the indelible knowledge of the atrocities of slavery committed against our forebears, it humbles us to recall and ponder the strength of faith that led to continually hearing these words as children, “God naw sleep” and “time longer dan rope.”

But it gives rise to preponderance of the soul, which assimilates events and wonders if this could be the underlying cause of senseless killings, unjust incarcerations, injurious or ill treatment meted out to Blacks, and the continued disparity in disproportionate distribution of wealth and opportunity.

The growing Black population in America impacts the mind with the same force as fearfulness on the one hand and fury on the next. Kotch Magazine.


It is essential to acknowledge that population fluctuations occur naturally, sometimes interpreted in some schools of thought as divine design, but can be influenced by a multitude of factors, such as birth rates, death rates, migration, and social and economic conditions. These factors are not specific to any racial or ethnic group but are part of a broader demographic phenomenon.

But, that life has led us to this point in time as one, on a road where whites must come to terms with being the minority, has to be a very unsettling thought.

Here we are now, a multitude of individuals with a plethora of hues, proclaiming One God and One Destiny while prostrating in His presence with gratitude for every earthly thing in creation, except, that He chose to create Black people.

It should be easy to understand the fury besetting whites now, because through learning and imbibing a mindset of hatred and prejudice, they have continued to view Blacks as the pitiful underdogs. That sect of sub-humans who were previously bought, sold and murdered at will and those who were used more viciously than lab rats for medical experiments without the use of anesthetic.

This information is ascertained in view of the fact that the non-Hispanic white population has had deaths surpassing birth over the last decade, and if the report, designed to count every resident in the United States holds true, it would be the first time since 1790 that there has been a decline in whites, on a national scale.

The Black population grew nearly 12% over the past decade while the white population increased by only 4.3%. This picture takes on another dimension considering the median age for Blacks is only 33 as against whites which is 38 years old.

It is crucial to emphasize that population trends should not be viewed through lens of retaliation or fear. Engaging in such thinking perpetuates an “us versus them” mentality that hinders progress toward equality and inclusivity. It is essential to foster understanding, empathy, and cooperation among all racial and ethnic groups.

The atrocities of Black slavery have undeniably been the darkest chapter in human history, which left an indelible mark on the disturbed psyche of millions. Slavery subjected Black individuals to unspeakable cruelty, dehumanization, and systemic oppression. They were forcibly taken from their homes, families were torn apart, and they endured physical and emotional abuse. Slavery stripped them of their basic human rights, denying them education, freedom, and dignity.

This is why it is so important to remember and learn from this painful past, not to perpetuate cycles of fear or vengeance, but to promote healing, understanding, and social justice. It is crucial for societies to confront historical injustices, acknowledge their lasting effects, and work towards reconciliation and equality.

In the face of changing population dynamics, it is more productive and constructive to focus on fostering inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Rather than allowing fear or animosity to divide communities, it is important to promote dialogue, understanding, and collaboration.

Marlene Daley
Marlene Daley
Founder & Producer of KotchMagazine,com, Belovedones.Love and Kotch.Media


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