Mary Jane Seacole, a Jamaican nurse and businesswoman, is an unsung hero whose remarkable life unfolded against the backdrop of the 19th century. Born...
Tyler Perry was born September 13th, 1969, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He experienced a very tough upbringing that vastly influenced his success later on...
The pioneer and historian Dr. George Washington Carver’s headstone reads: “He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness...
Grabbing the imagination and captivating Tennis audiences all over the world, with a cool focused demeanor would best describe Coco Gauf.
The young phenomenon was...
Dr. Sebi, born Alfredo Darrington Bowman on November 26, 1933, in Ilanga, Honduras, was a self-proclaimed herbalist, pathologist, and natural healer. His journey from...
Trinidad & Tobago’s Althea McNish was the first African-American to achieve international recognition, which led to her assignment to create fabrics for Queen Elizabeth...
Lebron James’ ascent to being arguably one of the greatest in the game of basketball is attributed to hard work, perseverance, and unparalleled athletic...