Lobsang Rampa, a controversial and mysterious figure, gained prominence in the 1950s with his series of books that delved into esoteric subjects such as...
Emanuel Swedenborg asserts that: “The indivisible power and life within all creation is God.”
Emanuel Swedenborg on Love: “Goodness shapes our will, and...
In the intricate tapestry of life, nature reveals its remarkable diversity through countless species, each embodying unique characteristics and behaviors. It’s not unusual for...
By now enough evidence abounds to support the true experiences of those who have gone close to, or beyond death’s door, and returned. Queen...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCMunBFFY_A ……Eckhart Tolle
It is always interesting to listen to each individual’s delivery on spirituality, “consciousness and presence”, the various avenues through which one...