Emanuel Swedenborg asserts that: “The indivisible power and life within all creation is God.”
Emanuel Swedenborg on Love: “Goodness shapes our will, and truth shapes our understanding. Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our own. The activity of love and faith is what makes heaven. One’s distance from Heaven is in proportion to the measure of one’s self-love.”
Early Life and Scientific Pursuits:
The term Philosopher includes much more than we generally associate with it. It means, not merely the man who has deeper insight regarding the organic laws of nature, or a thorough insight of the mechanism of this world, or whatever in this world is subject to the laws of geometry, or capable of being apprehended by experience, assisted by reason and culture. Kotch Magazine.
By a philosopher we mean a man who, by various processes of culture, experience, and spiritual genius, is able to arrive at the real causes of those effects in the mechanical world which are invisible and remote from the senses; and who, standing on some central platform of perception, is capable of reasoning from the first principles or causes to effects in nature; one who can scan the objective universe, and demonstrate that it is the expressed and defined effect of a grand subjective cosmos lying under, around, and above it.
A philosopher is a man who has his intellect intromitted into the world of causes, and who reasons from spirit to matter, from cause to effect, and who, in the depths of his being, venerates Deity, and loves to trace the operations of Divine wisdom in the laws, plans, and phenomena of universe.
Philosophy is the comprehensive term for everything which man can know, love, and feel. The whole of philosophy can probably be summarily formulated as knowledge of external bodies or mechanical laws in nature; of mental faculties and possibilities; and of moral obligations and spiritual relationship to Deity.
The first embraces all natural and objective philosophy; the second, moral and mental philosophy; and the third, spiritual and subjective philosophy and theosophy.
Emanuel Swedenborg rose to the heights where he discerned with unclouded vision the power that moves the worlds of matter and mind. Men of the old philosophical school of thought in one plane, and that of the natural and corporeal world in another; the higher spaces and planes of their being, inert. However spacious and broad in the natural degrees of their minds, they narrowed as they rose, like pyramids, and tapered off at last into nothingness and air.