Words written by unfettered fingers, that grasped the thoughts and mindfulness of man, who yearns not just to express God but to live in harmony and reap justly from their efforts.
These thoughts bear the deepest truth, that man shall wander everlastingly to find, written on tablets of yester year or splattered parchment, which still convey images though aged and worn – that these thoughts which they seek to manifest through the intangible and illusive Spiritual world, have resonated through time immemorial.
If spirit is breath, then it’s within and without. If trees find sounds for expression through the wind, and sounds are carried across waves, and if thoughts can connect across the ocean through telepathy – a proven theory, it stands to reason that God communicates with us too in numerous ways. Kotch Magazin.
Being attuned is being aware and receptive, and remaining open to the widening scope – to see, through internal vision, all that there is and was, in anticipation of the manifestation of the messages that have never ceased to filter through, somehow.